Parenting styles are basic patterns of grooming children by parents. This video discusses the…
Accidents are a leading cause of injuries and deaths in childhood. They can happen inside or outside homes. Here is an overview of childhood accidental injuries.
Teenage or adolescence is perhaps the most difficult stage to handle for parents and teenagers alike. This video explains what needs to be understood and what needs to be done in these years.
This video provides helpful practical tips to parents on how to safely and carefully introduce internet-based gadgets and screens to their children.
Baby’s first year brings many questions and confusions for new parents.
Stress in children and teenagers is a growing menace in modern world.
Nappy rash or Diaper rash is a common irritating skin condition in babies wearing diapers.
This educational video teaches the basic technique of swaddling a baby or wrapping it for sleep or comfort.
Swaddling or wrapping a baby for sleep or comfort is an age-old practice. This video discusses the benefits and risks of this practice.
Here are a few useful tips for making the new baby sleep well.
ABC (Alone, on Back and in Crib) of safe sleep is explained in detail in this video.
Burping the baby after a milk-feed to remove the swallowed air is an important step in keeping her comfortable.